May the road rise up to meet you as you travel down life's path
May you navigate life's highways avoiding toil and wrath
May your journey take you to the lord, whenever it can
And may God hold you gently in the palm of His hand
May the wind be always at your back on the sea of life
May you sail safely through the storms of awful strife
May the oceans of your life, calmly lay you in the sand
And may God hold you gently in the palm of His hand
May the sun shine warm upon your face as you look up to the sky
May you (f) take in God's creation that include both you and I
May the warmth be always with you wherever you may stand
And may God hold you gently in the palm of His hand
May the rains fall soft upon your fields to always help you grow
May the love of God stay with you wherever you may go
May you see God's face in fields and forests all across our land
And may God hold you gently in the palm of His hand
And until we meet a)gain, may God hold you in the palm of His) hand