Like a human six feet tall, you will scream and you will crawl!
In That black suit and no face, he will kill you with no trace!
Always watches with no eyes, right behind you with surprise!
Pair of hands is not enough, he will left you in slough!
You can hide and he will seek
He can smell it you're too weak
He will find you that's for sure
And you will bother him no more
And if you think you can persuade
I assure you there is no way
You will ever change his mind
If you're the one, the one to find
He will stalk you all the time, he won't say the reason why!
Waiting till you slip and fall, there will be no one to call!
He will make you feel insane, feel the sickness in your vein!
When you see him in the dark, everything will fell apart!