Cold outside, warm in bed, work to be done, but instead
Toes are toasty and ya can't be bothered
What the hell, it can wait 'til t'morrow
And the work builds and builds and it don't go away
And you worry and worry things don't go your way
So swing into action and worry no more
Tell yourself this as your feet hit the floor
Oh what the hell, let's do it anyway
Oh what the hell, let's do it anyway
Oh what the hell, let's do it anyway
Lets go and get this job done
So don't get slack, makin' a rod for your own back
Don't pretend procrastination's patience, 'cause it ain't
Unmask the task be no slave to tomorrow
Just move yo ass and your mind will follow!
Oh what the hell, let's do it anyway
Oh what the hell, let's do it anyway
Oh what the hell, let's do it anyway
Lets go and get this job done