Siblings listen up
The best advice I heard was take none
And I mean advice from the fake ones
If you see something then say somethin'
Don't let them clown you then take run
Don't fear confrontation
Make sure you remind them where you came from
All they're gunna do is run laps
Guess why (why?) cuz they're all on the same track
That's why (oh) maybe one day when you look back
They'll see where you're at and they'll say
Aw man I hate that
But it doesn't mean that everyone's a hater (nope)
Treat them with respect (yup) and the rest is catered
Too many chances means way too many favors
In that situation just say "see ya later"
Please understand what I'm trying to do is
Translate all the pain from my youth so
Maybe these words can help you pull through but the main thing I want you to remember is
It's Okay To Be You
It's Okay To Be You
It's Okay To Be You
It's Okay To Be You
Some people don't grow, some people get old
Some people have plans that never unfold
Some people have hearts that are made out of gold
Some people love living life just being a troll
Some people cry and want to share their well
Some people hide and don't come out their shell
Some people fly but can't remember they fell
Everyone tries and tries but we all fail and that's life (yes it is)
It's going to take a long time to get it right (long time)
Don't think that it happens overnight (dedication)
You gotta sleep right, (yup) you gotta eat right (yup)
You gotta dust yourself off after each fight (yup)
You gotta be strong, (yup) you keep going (yup)
Yeah you could be right (yup) but you could be wrong (yup)
And that is just fine, (yup) when you're having doubts
Just remember to sing along and say
Haylei - It's Okay To Be You
Mason - It's Okay To Be You
Lea - It's Okay To Be You
And T - It's Okay To Be You
Don't put too much pressure on yourself
Just the right amount will make a diamond
And too much will crush you
Remember that, I love you