Bowling down the alley
With pretty playful sally
Rolling down the alley
Bowling Sally and me
We'd bowl away our daily blues
When we tie on those bowling shoes
Rolling down the alley
My Sally and me
Rolling down the alley
Anticipating tally
Rolling down the alley
Bowling Sally and me
The score will show we're pretty bad
But look at all the fun we've had
Rolling down the alley
My Sally and me
We pretend that every pin is someone we dislike
We aim right at the knucklehead
And come up with the lucky strike
Rolling down the alley
With pretty playful sally
Rolling down the alley
Bowling Sally and me
We bowl away our daily cares
With little strikes and little spares
Rolling down the alley
My Sally and me
Rolling down the alley
With pretty playful Sally
Rolling down the alley
Bowling sally and me
We bowl away our daily blues
When we tie on our bowling shoes
Rolling down the alley
My sally and me
Rolling down the alley
Anticipating [the] tally
Rolling down the alley
Bowling Sally and me
The score will show we are pretty bad
But look at all the fun we've had
Rolling down the alley
My Sally and me
We pretend that every pin is someone we dislike
We aim right for at the knucklehead
And come up with a lucky strike
Rolling down the alley
With pretty playful Sally
Rolling down the alley
Bowling Sally and me
We bowl away our daily cares
With little strikes and spares
Rolling down the alley
My Sally and me