As a planet defined by the rotation of the Sun
I can't help but question if I'm the only one
The one to see the uniqueness in the stars
Planets like Jupiter and Mars
Brought to you by the Milky Way
Wait a minute, what are these names we say?
Only to dominate the lands of foreign countries from here to Bombay?
Bombs away!
Like little children at play
Because companies put bombs in their brains
War is okay
War is okay?
Shooting and killing and gunplay
I say nay
No more bullets and screams on the screens we watch
As our parents cover our eyes or tell us to look away
Whatever you say, you cannot tell me that war is okay
War is not okay
So burn the guns, destroy the ammo
People gotta stop hiding in their camo
Use their voice as a weapon and bring down the Rambo
The Die Hard, The Terminator
The detectives, the Blue Shield and the discriminator
I can't play pretend anymore
I'm sick and tired of people keeping score
The war on terror is in our own backyard
Because the people on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Got better interests to have