She steals from me
What can you take from a guy
Who wants nothing
I like the space so
Keep the thief coming
Take all the good times
Take love from me, yeah
Someone laughing at us
I feel funny
Life's such a big joke
I make money
I get a big truck
We can talk
In the bed all f*cked up
You hold my head
Said no ones gonna bug us ever again
She's steel for me
Blade that I can't wield
Road kept running
Cows in a green field
Crash test dummy
Flies in the windshield
Have half of me, yeah
Someone laughing with us
I feel funny
Life's such a big joke
I make money
I get a big truck
She's still filling
Cups to the brim of em
Drunk on nothing
Besides the vision of you
Glare off the cocktail
Drinks on me, yeah
Everyone laughing with us
I feel funny
Life's such a big joke
I make money
I get a big truck
We can sleep
In the bed of the truck
It's like a house
And no one's gonna bug us ever again
You and me
All time
You feel so right