This can't be. As I look at the numbers - the impossible numbers - I occupy the numbers
I am the numbers
Numbers are me - who I am, what I am
Am I? How can this be? Is it possible?
Numbers are an impossible reality realized realistically to be real to me in time
In numbers, in space that I can't comprehend but live in - move in - breathe in
Numbers run our lives
Exude our lives
Exhume our dead pasts
A project that projects projections in a projectile future - in which we may not be
May we be not - might not, know not, be - being
Numbers, impossible arcs of time and space and now
Exhausting numbers
Unreal numbers
Scientistic numbers
Occupational numbers
Sound numbers
Numerical numbers numbering our days
Being, thinking, thinking about being
Numbers of flow-state, now-state, no-state - state of flux
Impassable numbers
Incomprehensible, inexplicable, impenetrable numbers
This is Impossible Numbers