How long oh Lord
Must I cry out while You hide Your face from me
Must I write in the darkness without sleep
And yet I still believe
That Your grace, and Your mercy
Will find a place in me
And ooh, when I am with You I'm alive
In your presence there is freedom
Ooh, in You I move and have my being
Oh Lord Jesus, You are my life
I have been set free
From the sin that separated You from me
And the weight of guilt
That drove me to my knees
Oh Lord I do believe
That Your love and Your mercy
Have made heart brand new
And ooh, when I am with You I'm alive
In your presence there is freedom
Ooh, in You I move and have my being
Oh Lord Jesus, You are my life
And ooh, when I am with You I'm alive
In your presence there is freedom
Ooh, in You I move and have my being
Oh Lord Jesus, You are my life