Put on a space-suit
Get on a spaceship
Let's go on ad-ven-ture
A-cross the Mil-ky Way
It will be so fun
It will be so great
I am, I'm an as-tro-naut
To the moon, to the sun,
To the ends of space
If I go on a spaceship
It will be so fun
It will be so great
I am, I am,
An as-tro-naut
Put on a space-suit
Get on a spaceship
Let's go on ad-ven-ture
A-cross the Mil-ky Way
It will be so fun
It will be so great
I am, I'm an as-tro-naut
To the moon, to the sun,
To the ends of space
If I go on a spaceship
It will be so fun
It will be so great
I am, I am,
An as-tro-naut