Veins bursting, life flowing forth, into the ground where the soil doesn't darken
Finding how hard I can push before the dam gives
Don't kill yourself on this shit, kid, please hearken
My words mean nothing to you, no hurt but it'll be there soon
My problems are pus pockets, neglected ballooning a tomb
And what's a man to do but make a bigger move
Leave a mark on the world just like they left on you
The iron wheel can only fight so hard
When I've been slung against it again and again
It only has so many teeth to bite down
I will wear them brittle and thin
A pig to the slaughter with my hand on the wheel
Every time I eat feels like my very last meal
I keep reminding myself my fate is sealed cause I've left a trail of endings every where I dragged my heels
I want to be a Astronaut not a Space Cadet - I played my cards right, didn't shuffle the deck
But I'm the one that pushes to the edge - when life's all edges a falls what you'd expect
I want to be the meat that blocks the cogs of this gods jest
That made this mess so obsessed with being a martyr
To inspire fires, nah, to inspire pyres where they lay liars down on beds of
You can't guide me
You can't bend me
I'm solid to my core
I'll live like no man can live and live his dreams with no limits at all
Disorder insists
And leaves us nothing clean
I'm done living on this dying rock
I'm going to where the sky and the stars meet