[ Featuring Clayton ]
You caught me in a time of doubt
So young among the downtown glow
The freshest bloom that you could find
With a forlorn face, and a mouth filled with woe
You caught me in a childish time
And took me in, to still my shaking
You became all I couldn't live without
Then you cut me off, now my veins are aching
You walk through this world like you've been here before
You're always certain and I'm never sure
I drank your poison now I'm back where the water is pure
I drifted from your grand devise
And faltered from what you collected
No longer satisfied your hungry eyes
A half-grown field that you neglected
I knew that you had turned on me
So I ran for those southern hills
Where the only people that I see
Is the doctor, my mother, and ad
You walk through this world like you've been here before
You're always certain and I'm never sure
I drank your poison now I'm going back where the water is pure