""Who'll be there When I lay down my sword Embrace this embattled warrior. You cut me on this earthplane I feel it like knife blades Sinking into my softness into my heart and my soul cutting down to the bone all I give you like gems and crystals a value deep inside like hidden treasures. The sea rises To meet my howls in the wind. I'm searching deeper darker I use my sword to cut my way into my heart and my soul cutting down to the bone all i give you like gems and crystals a value deep inside like hidden treasures. There's snakes in the water An omen in the sky The black stone of Metatron Tumbles deep into this night OH OH OH The crows tell me it will be so Down to the chasm of the light OH OH OH As will the sticks and the stones Down to the chasm of the light OH OH OH The crows tell me it is so OH OH OH There's a message in the bones Timeless like the blood that flows OH OH OH The Ancient fire in me grows Burning from the inside out OH OH OH Whittle me down to porous bones till there's nothing left but love to fill the holes Till I'm pure potential like a ghost. WHO'LL BE THERE Who'll be there when I lay down my sword""