Brought upon this mortal life
A future of undoing strife
I've learned of all your arts
But you know that this is my design
Your blood type, an acquired taste
And what I hear from inside your brain
A trigger resting in the empty-handed
I'm bound to sink my teeth
Atrocity, my will has made
For white trash tornado bait
Bones in a bind
Slaughtered in line
A manhunt, I await
Another victim sacrificed
To feed my lifeless rage
This everlasting blood thirst that eats me
I've only ever known
The dreadful lives that I claim for my own
I feed and serve from the ones burning on the inside
I am the nerve that slowly bites at the mind
Along the lines you draw
I rest my eyes, hon
It's not your shell, it is your hell
I am led into temptation
Make way for me
A captive set free
No one will know
This constant monstrosity
Scorch your flesh to my liking
The bloody aftermath of your demise
Bite the tip off of your tongue
This was my gain, but your surprise
I feed and serve from the ones burning on the inside
I am the nerve that slowly bites at the mind
Along the lines you draw
I rest my eyes, hon
It's not your shell, it is your hell
I am led into temptation
These souls are trophies once I ingest
With hungry eyes and perception in high-def
I put on a morbid display to please the beast within me
I present a meal for all
The tormented are left devoured
It's all come down to this
Quid pro quo, yes or no?
I am the fox
You are the rabbit
This is my final killing
Turn my back and disappear
I hope the lambs stop screaming
But it's just routine from here
I feed and serve from the ones burning on the inside
I am the nerve that slowly bites at the mind
Along the lines you've drawn
I rested my eyes, hon
It wasn't your shell, it was your hell
I was led into temptation
I put on a morbid display
To please the beast within me
I present a meal for all
The tormented are left devoured