Proud parents - father Adam, mother Eve begin their family
Two brothers - farmer Cain, brother Abel tends the sheep
Cain brings his harvest, brother Abel burns a lamb, for their offerings to the Lord
Happy Abel - the Lord he chooses, Cain he looses
Now he is furious...
"Why that scowl on your face?
If you'd have done right, you'd be smiling - but now sin is at your door
You must overcome that evil feeling deep inside
I ask again - what's with the scowl?!"
"Then Cain said to his brother Abel, 'let's go out for a walk'. When they were out in the countryside, Cain turned on his brother and killed him!"
Oh no!
"Where is your brother Abel?"
"I don't know" says Cain, "am I supposed to hold his hand?"
"Why have you done this terrible thing? His blood is screaming from the ground!"
"I place a curse on you - you cannot farm this land as it has soaked up all his blood."
(Like a mouth to receive him!)
"You curse is too hard, I'll be killed as I wander far!"
"You should have thought of that before you struck that blow
Do you remember what..."