Dear Diary - how are you?
I had a wave hit me today
I was swamped with decay
I had collapse inside of me
It is itching
If I seem to be upset
Just don't judge on the colours left
I would raise a little smile
If the pain were through
It's as bad as it could get
I call this pain-feel "walking death"
The title's grim but true
But I'm not dead
Not yet
I've got a fight left in me
I won't go to forever
With this on my chest
I am mental steel
I aim for bliss
I was meant to take
Much more than this
When a smile, it brings you pain
And your head won't lift again
When you tell a joke it stings
But politely
You smile to make it fact
You get awards for such an act
A minute lasts as long as three
Your thoughts consume you
You become deaf, dumb and blind
You dreams look at you and snide
I feel black
But I'm not dead
Not yet
I've got a passion left in me
That will see me triumph
And lay this to rest
I am mental steel
I aim for bliss
I am meant to take
Much more than this