Here in this moment
My mind is clear
And I can see for the first time
There's nothing to fear
So before confusion
Clouds my mind
LORD give me the answers
I've been longing to find
Why am I on this journey
Why is there so much pain
Why do I have
A constant urning
To fill some kind of void
I can't explain
So Lord please explain
Politics and science
Leave me cold inside
Cause I see the hope for tomorrow
In my Saviors eyes
Why am I on this journey
Why is there so much pain
Why do I have a constant urning
To some kind of void
I can't explain
So Lord please explain
Here in this moment
My mind is clear
Here in this moment
I know I know
Christ is the answer
And one day Christ will
So in this cold and callus
I lift His name
So while I'm on this journey
Lord you'll carry my pain
And You will fill up my constant urning
With Your love I can't explain
Your love I can't explain
So I will lift your name