[ Featuring Ann Crumb ]
GEORGE (to himself, as he types)
"...Beluga caviar...
My finest vintage champagne...
And then a night of dance...
My ashes to be scattered
Among the vines at sunset..."
Oh, do stop planning your wake!
You're bound to outlive us all!
GEORGE (with a twinkle)
"...My funeral oration to be written by Giulietta
Rose, we should talk --
I've got something on my mind.
It's Jenny,
Jenny and Alex --
The whole thing's unnatural
For a girl of her age...
You needn't be anxious:
He's explained all this.
And she's no longer a child.
It's just that he's younger
And you're getting jealous.
Am I right?
Anyway, I'm filming in Paris,
And it's her birthday --
We promised we would take her to the circus --
George, you know that I'm right.
Maybe you're right...
Look, you're free to keep your lover
And your noisy Paris clique.
A man who's pushing eighty
Is not exactly chic...
But Jenny's all I have now --
Don't let him take her from me...
My darling George, I love you!
How dramatic can you be!
You think that I'm dramatic?
If we don't take some action,
We'll be too late...