From Ballytruckle to Park Lodge a tale to be told
Of a monster fierce its heart so cold
Blocking the roads cutting all ties
Until Lucy soared through the troubled skies
Lucy in flight with fire and might
Her golden dragon Tiny a blazing sight
Claws of justice flames burn bright
She beats the monster restores the light
Villagers cowered the caravans stalled
The monster laughed as their hopes appalled
But Lucy came with courage vast
Determined to break the shadow it cast
Lucy in flight with fire and might
Her golden dragon Tiny a blazing sight
Claws of justice flames burn bright
She beats the monster restores the light
With a roar the sky lit up the battle fierce and wild
The golden dragon Tiny spiralled up its fury unreconciled
With every fiery breath the beast began to falter
Under Lucy's relentless wrath its resolve did alter
Lucy in flight with fire and might
Her golden dragon Tiny a blazing sight
Claws of justice flames burn bright
She beats the monster restores the light
Now between the villages peace once more resides
Thanks to Lucy's valiant heart where strength abides
From Bally-Truckle to Park Lodge they sing her name
The dragon princess Lucy of undying fame