There's no one in town
None around
No places left to go
When you hear the bass sound
On the ground
Off to work you must go
It's a carousel show
And around
And around they go
I'm on my way home
And I know
We got the moonlight glow
And I don't care what they say
I'm not lonely
I'll walk in the ways
Of what I say
If you break it away
Then just call me
Never care what they say
I'm not lonely
I'm the only man
Last night I rolled the dice
When I took my shot maybe once or twice
I feel the glares and the stares
While I wait for the sunrise
One two I had a few now It's half four
And I want some more
I wanna feel the heat
Feel the weight off my feet
And I don't care what they say
I'm not lonely
I'll walk in the ways
Of what I say
If you break it away
Then just call me
Never care what they say
I'm not lonely
I'm the only man