I put on a happy face
Just to look like am ok
But inside am falling Deeper everyday
I put on a happy face
And I smile through the Pain
Don't know why I just can't Make it go away with a Happy face
Smiling faces, laughter fills The air
But inside, am burdened With despair
I'm the life of the party, With my happy face
But beneath the surface, Lost in a dark phase
They see the smiles, the Jokes I crack
But they don't understand The strength I lack
To fight these demons, That's tearing me apart
I'm trying to survive and Not break my family's Heart
Every playful tease, every Silly pun
There's a war within, that I Cannot outrun
Hiding the darkness it Consumes my soul
I wear my happy face as I Dig a deeper hole
I put on a happy face, just To look like am ok
But inside am falling Deeper everyday
I put on a happy face
And I smile through the Pain
Don't know why I just can't Make it go away
With a happy face
My life in shambles
I try to hide my pain
But behind the facade
Am going insane
I want to break free expose The fear in me
But Instead my happy face, Hides my anxiety
I'm trapped in this tug-of-War feeling the strain
Two forces clashin
A war inside my brain
One pulls me down
The other lifts me up Instead
I'm caught in the middle, Feelin' weak
I need to be led
Begging for freedom
But paralyzed by self Blame
God am a sinner
I just hope you still know My name
I put on a happy face
Just to look like am ok
But inside am falling Deeper everyday
I put on a happy face
And I smile through the Pain
Don't know why I just can't Make it go away
With a happy face
I reach out my hands
I know my life is a mess
Please show me how to Change my ways
And find my happiness
God is fighting my battle His light renewed my heart
The darkness can't stay in Me
I got a brand new start
I know am unworthy
Of Gods saving grace
But the bible say he loves Inspite of my mistakes
I need to remove the Darkness
And find Gods saving grace
To feel his love
And finally express my True God given happy face
I put on a happy face
Just to look like am ok
But inside am falling Deeper everyday
I put on a happy face
And I smile through the Pain
Don't know why I just can't Make it go away
With a happy face
With my happy face