You're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows
That you set fire baby
To the things you love the most
Try I might but I can't keep you close
You're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows
Seems like you have it all, wow
Must be nice to take the easy way out
But I've met men like you
And I know what they do
Set a table for two
Just to burn it down
You're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows
That you set fire baby
To the things you love the most
Try I might but I can't keep you close
You're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows
All the young things all sit around
And act like your funny
Listen to all of your famous stories, boring
But all they want is your money honey
Little do they know that they better get to running
You're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows
You set fire baby
To the things you love the most
Try I might but I can't keep you close you're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows
Your dead inside
But you'll leave them out to dry
When their pushing twenty-five
God you're such a vampire
Buy them new and shiny things
Dirty water for the christening
You want blood, can't deny
You're a Bad liar
You're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows
That you set fire baby
To the things you love the most
Try I might but I can't keep you close
You're a bad bad liar baby
And everybody knows