Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yes, you are for me
I'm going out of my way for you to the light
Staying in my way for you
Cause, yeah, you are for me
And cause, I'm gonna stay with you
As long as we won't break up
Cause you are for me
Yeah, yeah, cause I'm going out of my way
Out of my way to the light for you
Yeah, not breaking up
Staying with you
Further, I'm staying closer
Not gonna be further
I'm only close to you
Cause you're on me now
Cause, cause you are for me
Staying out of my way
To go to the lake for you
Yeah, cause you are for me
I'm going out of my way to the lake for you
And I'm staying with you no matter what
Cause you are my dreams
Cause I'm going out of my way
To be with you
Cause you're for me
I'm going out of my way to the lake for you
Staying with you
Never breaking up, no
No more, one time maybe
Once, but it won't happen the second time
Even if I could make sure it don't happen
I won't let it happen
Cause you are for me
Going out of my way to the lake for you
Yeah, not gonna
Not gonna move away
Only closer to you
Late in the night
Yeah, I'll kiss you under the moonlight
Yeah, yeah
Cause you are for me
For me