I am not this body
Thank God I'm not my mind
I am not my home, my job
How I spend my money, or time
I am not their worries
I am not my fear
I'm not solely responsible
For the gigantic mess all around here
Release and receive
I'm releasing, receiving
Til anything lifts
All these waves of grief
Eventually loosening gravity's grip
I am the sky, watching all
Weather move through me
I am the sky, watching all
Weather move through me
I am, I am
What am I
I am the sky
I am not my senses
I am not their slave I
Am not my habits, their toll
Or the addict I've lost or saved
Release and receive
I'm releasing, receiving
Til God Himself lifts
All this weight off of me
Levity loosening gravity's grip
(Levity loosening gravity's grip)
Aham shanti (I am peace/ serenity)
Aham prema (I am Divine love)
Aham shakti (I am Power )
Aham advaita (I am oneness)
I am the sky, watching all
Weather move through me
I am the sky, watching all
Weather move through me
I am, I am
What am I
I am the sky