Less productive
Drinking way too much
Sitting at home watching television
12 hours a day
Speaking to no one apart from the voices
Fat grease
Eating poorly, slamming that greaser down the drain
A reckless
Drunk driver
A Prius
Child falling from behind
Not sleeping
Horrific nightmares
Paranoid A.F
Cruel to all animals
Eating the rats in the cupboard
Avoids contact with old friends
Absolutely never sober
Will frequently check craigslist for new ads
Hole in wall
Favors for flavors
Wink emoji
Steals from the homeless
Never paid for a meal
Killing moths and putting boiling water on the ants
Car wash
Wipe the blood away
Terrified of the dark or midday shadows
Ridiculously teenage and desperate
So childish
Slower and uncoordinated
No chance of escape
Now unemployed
A useless and uninformed member of society
Voted for Gary Johnson
Will cry in public
Tires that grip in the wet
Shot a baby strapped in backseat
A bad memory
Still cries
Still cries
Empty and frantic
Like a rat
Tied to a stick
That's driven into
Uglier and less productive
A pig
The police will never come
He hid the bodies well