The factories are relics from another time
Their bodies overshadow and carve coastlines
There used to be workers but they've all gone home
The furnace shut down years ago
The view from the skyway hasn't changed in years
Flames melt the sky, the clouds they sear
They built a new highway to skip downtown
And they wonder how the stores are doing now
Let's go down, the old steel town
Turning back the years
Better days are still ahead
But also behind
King and Main don't move much now
The hookers have gone North and the hipsters South
The homeless pay for other's sins
And a winter cold as steel is moving in
Let's go down, the old steel town
Turning back the years
Better days are still ahead
But also behind
Let's go down, the old steel town
Turning back the years
Better days are still ahead
And if you see me looking south of here
Don't pass your judgment blind
There may be fire in my heart
But there's steel in my eyes