Dirty walls painted like a chamber -
But your keepers don't like things to change
So they keep fear on retainer...
Gabriella turnt her back on me but I don't blame her...
It all just went so fast and I didn't have the life in me to sustain her...
Boxed in by swollen thumbs - where the bum nightmares
Bit me in the eye ball and the ear drum -
Sisyphus sits next to me on calm days in the office
Of the 1.5 by 3 meter hyperbole -
Where the stalled hurricane of youth and dust succumb
To the tedioustrafies of the boss who can't cook
Any admirable order - Of the clotted back room
Of stolen goods - of the love that springs up out of
Nowhere to heal your pain.
Love: The lighthouse of sanity...
I am choking on my future - who knows the heimlich?
Oh, Cadaver... proof of the universe - The old red grape juice
Has settled on my see through paper cup - Take a sip!
My laptop sighs like a typhoon!
But can visions just end just like that, so suddenly with no explanation?
Ah, Gabriella sings somewhere off where the moths can't see her glow -
I can hear her through - The soft equator of miraculous misdemeanours
In the key of C - She sings to me while i am silent.
Silence: The lighthouse of honesty.