Just relax, breathe in
Let me fill your lungs
So you can breathe
Don't be scared, don't fight
You know that you are worth so much more
Can't you see it
And every day, every night
You're on my mind
And I can't get rid of you
Breathe in, Breathe out
It'll be okay
I promise you
It won't be the same
So take this gun and point at me
Make me your enemy
Is that what you want
I don't think so
Everything's gone, everything left
And I'm just sitting here with all this regret
But you, you're not one of them
I'm cold to the core
You broke me
You left me to rot
You made me feel like nothing could ever be the same again
And with that I'll never forgive you
How could I
I won't
Everything is done and said
(It was your fault)
Will you love again
(Don't come back to me)
I don't think you're capable
(Go Away)
And every day, every night
You're on my mind
And I can't get rid of you
I have a tendency to latch onto things way to quickly
And I just, I don't know
You were the one thing that went right in my life
And everything just makes sense when I'm with you
So when you listen to this, if you listen to this
Just know that I love you
And I would do anything for you
Want you to be safe and want you to be okay
If life is meaningless
Then you wouldn't exist
You wouldn't even be here