Boy, I can't really answer anything if he looks like..
Just telling you guys, think about it, how do we survive
Yeah, but there's no lions in Africa or Alaska
Yes, there is. Look into it. I am telling you, I've watched the shit
There might be tigers
There's tigers
Bengali tigers
Yeah, there's... I don't know what they get with tigers
What are you talking about
Aren't those cats? The little cats? The Bengali cats
I'm like, aren't those little cats? Look at them little
But they've never made it
Never made it
I know they have tigers
I don't know... No, they said they flew them from Africa
I listened to this shit
I watched it
You're being racist
I'm not being racist
I'm telling you
And I did want to go there first
But wow, until I found out, all this shit was from Alaska
I was like, oh hell no
Plus a little dark time, I can't go there
I don't know
I was like, I can't do it
There's too many animals, too many weird shit going on over there
I don't know this
The police are everywhere
And then you've got these people that are literally just driving up and down the water
Just waiting to get caught
They're just clamming
It was crazy
It was so dark
It was disgusting
It's better than Alaska
That's what he said
Like, hunt tigers
Like, hunt the..
They have all..
Clammy ass all over the place
Like, or they're deer hunting
It's deer hunting season
But you went and got..
What's the other one
That one
There's moose
And they're all up
That's what that tiger did
Deer time, you gotta..
You can't..
They take the meat and they donate it to the..
They take the meat and they'll donate it to, like, animal shelters
Instead of giving it to, like, an actual..
You know, like, people take it
They take all their meat and put it in the cooler
And they're like, oh, we'll just donate this to the..
We'll just throw it in the..
Like, it's not..
They just go around the corner and eat it
They throw it in clam calories
Rock, caribou
Indian white
Because they literally start..
They, like..
And we started with this cabin
And they're, like, this freaky-ass cabin
That's what they do
20 years later, you guys are all kind of made family
They have blue skin
But you're all together
It's f*cking weird
Like, they're all..
There's got..
And I feel like there's gotta be a lot of Indians
I just feel like you guys..
I feel like you guys got more animal population than people are
And you guys all look alike
And then you're married
And the kids look funny as f*ck
And then I'm like, that's my father
I don't know. It's just weird
They're weird because, you know, they are weird
But they're, like, a lot of people
Like, you gotta walk six miles to go get water every morning