I have to be strong
Cos I've got stuff going on
But I don't say anything is wrong
Cos I'm fine on the outside
No one would notice
When they throw their glares and stares
At my flares
That I too
Have the demons like you
And that I get lonely
In this small world
Cos he's not here
And I have deadly fears
I worry and shake
But that will never make
Me a victim
Cos I never cry, and I want a life
With an artist with dark brown eyes
I can see the Light
And I get it alright
Without the swirls, curls, and twirls
Of intoxicated fantasies
So drink your poison
And August drinks his tea
I'll have a house in 10 years
And then maybe I'll be free
As minds melt
My idol stays so strong
Maybe that's why I chose the antidote
Because so many really couldn't
And when you try to help
They say they're fine
But I know you're ill, you have a blackened mind
Like the blackened teeth
Of relatives we don't speak
Of. Of all the times I couldn't sleep
Because of the floods or the upcoming week
And soon I'll drive through the night
Completely teetotal and high on life
Lost in the music and transfixed on my mission
Of changing the world, my burning ambition