Under the oaks at Mamre's heat
Three figures stood with grace so sweet
Abraham ran fell to the ground
"Rest here with me peace be found"
A promise came so strong and bright
Sara will bear a son in light
Though laughter hid behind her veil
God's word endures it will not fail
Sara laughed at the thought so wild
A woman aged to bear a child?
Yet God declared "Is anything too hard?"
His promise sealed no hope is barred
A promise came so strong and bright
Sara will bear a son in light
Though laughter hid behind her veil
God's word endures it will not fail
The Lord then looked toward Sodom's land
With judgment near He made His stand
Abraham prayed the righteous spared
Mercy flowed for those who cared
A promise came so strong and bright
Sara will bear a son in light
Though laughter hid behind her veil
God's word endures it will not fail