I´m dreaming of a world, where we all live in peace
Cause there's no state left, nothing left to be freed
No one's afraid to express who they are
Cause everyone's accepted, no matter what's in their jar
And you don't need a car, moving from east to the west
Climate's under control, sanders would be impressed
If someone's hateful, no one would listen to them
Everybody would know, not just following trends
Now's the time for a revolution
Peaceful and radical revolution
Workers, stand up
Margins, stand up
Good folks, stand up
Fight for your rights, start the revolution
Cause there's something left to save
Revolution, revolution
Cause solidarity's our only solution
Capitalists are chanceless
Money's all outdated
We're all sorry for them
Cause they're intoxicated
Inflicting harm ain't manly
Won't ever be again
Every animal's worthy
Not to die in pain
Pure utopia
The equals we are
It's all a piece of art
Loves the new superstar
Integrity for every
Body and mind
We're all the same
We're all one kind
Now's the time for a revolution
Cause all that's left to save us is a revolution
Workers, stand up
Margins, stand up
Good folks, stand up
Fight for your rights, start the revolution
Start the revolution
Revolution, revolution
Cause it seems like our only solution