You're happiest when you've hit rock bottom
And all your self-sabotage is complete
And I'm happiest when I'm bleeding
On the hook for someone else's dream
You gave up everything you wanted
Always hoping you'd find more
When I'm dying to earn your affection
But it's like pouring sand into the earth's core
Like sending stars into a black hole
And you
Could make a better world if you chose to
But the answers don't come easy to your mind
And I miss the heart I thought I knew as mine
All the time
Your burden is given freely
Anything to absolve you of your guilt
I can't bear it, how you view me
Knowing you believe I'm the one who quit
When I loved you more than breathing
Even as I broke through the bars
'Cause I couldn't stay forever
Jailed inside your kaleidoscope heart
A cage of your design under my guard
And you
Could make a better world if you chose to
But the answers don't come easy to your mind
And I miss the heart I thought I knew as mine
All the time