Hey, what's up, Phil
Can I call you Phil
I hope so
I don't know what I'm doing anymore in my life
I don't think I ever knew
I'm so lost
I don't know what I want
I don't understand myself
I don't understand other people
I'm afraid of myself and the world
And I have no idea what to do
Some days I feel like dying
And then
That same day, an hour later, I'm ecstatic to be alive
Most of the time I feel absolutely nothing
I don't know why I called you
I wish things were better
I wish my life had more meaning
I wish the world had more meaning
I can't stand the world
I can't stand people
I really wish I didn't
I really wish I liked people
I can't figure out shit
And I don't think I ever will
Hopefully I can just
Earn enough money to get by and survive
Some people have passions
Some people have dreams
But not everyone gets to have those
I don't know
But not everyone gets to have those
I see that now
Hope you're doing alright, Phil
See ya
Hey, what's up