Squad cars on the corner, guess we'll call this Tinseltown
All my tender resignations in the pockets of your gown
Then I'm stumped and I would call you just to sing
But then I'm dumb, numb and flawless, anything
Until the hand of some tragicomic, lonely, loving God
Drops the final cancer down, unlucky falling star
Oh how I'd run
Oh how I'd run
Oh how I'd run
All my habits dying hard, I guess we'll call this New Gomorrah
But I love you, even dancing, you and me, the mandragora
I think once you saw me limping to the sink
Oh what a hush would follow any gentle touch upon the scene
Oh it would never be enough to say, "You see
It's like the city's made of glass and we're the crash
Of every single lucent piece"
And then the gasp when we finally learn to breathe
And you'd be sleeping as I read