I'll be the girl
Living for the plot
Staying in bed dreaming all day long
You'll be the boy
Stealing my heart
Taking it all with your silly laugh
I want you to think of me
At night when you fall asleep
Say that you still see me
As the girl of your dreams
Say I made you happier
You aren't in love with her
Now I can't unsee
What it would be
If you were with me
And I was the girl of your dreams
The littlest talks
Stumbling over words
The moments you look up and I catch your eye
We deserved an ending like you see in movies
Cause everyone said you are such a good guy
But it wasn't pretty
And I know you missed me
We should've lived in a house with a big garden
In the far future
You would've cooked diner
Tell me what happened in such little time
I want you to think of me
At night when you fall asleep
Say that you still see me
As the girl of your dreams
Say I made you happier
You aren't in love with her
Now I can't unsee
What it would be
If you were with me
I want you to smile and smirk
I want you to put me first
I want you to think of me
I want you to think of me
I want you to think of me
Each day when you wake up please
Say I still could be
The girl of your dreams