Black daddy see you when you sleeping
And when your awake he's looking in with a AK47
He wants your ass its Christmas so black daddy is looking fo sum ass
Kick in your front door he gets what he wants so come her
Don't run he has a gun he's looking for sum fun
He just wants to cum he has gifts he wants to Tie you up
He's going to have you tie down and play this beat
And rape you then leave present under the tree
Dashing through the snow in a white escalated
With a AK47 and a dead body its Christmas time
This is what black daddy dos ever Christmas
So stay in side and lock the doors and windows
Hiding from black daddy he's f*cking crazy
He wants to rape you run and hide
This is a please announcements stay indoors on Christmas Day
A man with a AK47 is on the loose and he wants to rape you
Honey did the power go out we have no phone omg
It's black daddy he gonna rape me in the ass he has a gun some one pls help me
Black daddy is here do not fear take a deep breath and relax mmmmmmmmm