"For legal reasons, please state your name for the court
Let the court know that no such person exists anywhere within the United States
Or the rest of the world
Your subject number is 2029
And as such
That is how I will refer to you for the rest of your sentencing
Subject 2029, you are hereby sentenced to death by means of off world expulsion
Your sentence consists of 872 known counts of 1st degree murder
Let it be known that there are still well over 200 deaths being investigated at this time
In the wake of the Cataclysm of 2041
And the Davis Accords of 2043
Your sentence bears some form of mercy
As the death penalty may no longer be enacted terrestrially
You will be launched into the Earth's orbit at 3:48 am
Precisely 1 minute from now
Where you will be captured by the rendezvous craft
And promptly light-launched in the direction of V616 Monocerotis
What happens after that point, will be entirely known to you and you alone
I hope you find some form of remorse among the void of space
May the universe have mercy on your soul... or whatever might be left of it"