Here comes the Circle Look at this
It always goes round and round
Like all wheels that roll in circles
Or the sun that turns on in the sky
Shapes shapes
I am a shape of circles
Shapes shapes
And no sides and corners
Now, let's look at the Triangle
Yes, it always has three sides
All pyramids stand like triangles
Or as the roofs of houses
Shapes shapes
I am a shape of a triangle
Shapes shapes
And three sides and corners
Here comes the Rectangle Look at this
Yes, it always has four sides
With two sides short and two sides long
It makes all doors and walls
Shapes shapes
I am a shape of rectangle
Shapes shapes
Not My four sides are same
Now, let's look at the Square
It also has four sides
And all its sides are just the same
It makes dice or boxes, and it always wears a smile
Shape shape
I am a shape of square
Shape shape
All my sides are same