Come a hold my hand, I been waiting
Waiting for the sun
I belong there, where it come and die
Where the sun and moon, share the same sky, but dont'nt share their lives
They've always been apart
The sun is wainting for the moon
The moon is wainting for the sun
The sun is wainting for the moon
Night is on the corner
The night is waiting to take the sun
The sun is getting over
The night will cover the town
The night is over us
Come together¡ with the light
Come together¡ we have time
Dont't be silly, it'll get darck
We can do it: let's start
Don't stop me, let me arrive
With my feelings, for one time
Don't be silly
Show me
All my dreams
All my feelings
All my faith
All my searches
You will leave, can't stay
Keep your orbit
Night and day
If I shine, you go far
What's the secret?
Moon wants stay
Sun it wants stay
But earth must turn