Don't be afraid the angel said to Mary, God has blessed you with his Son
Would the baby be a king, would he to his people redemption bring?
And in the stable she gave birth, what will the child do here on earth?
Mary knew God had a plan, she trusted God, she trusted God
Simeon saw Christ in Jerusalem and he thanked God for the promised child
When he saw the son of God, he knew that salvation was now assured
And he told Mary of pain and grief and sorrow she later would endure
Mary knew God has a plan, she trusted God, she trusted God
Mary saw Jesus hanging on the cross and she wept because of her great loss
She recalled the angel's words, his prophesy she could not ignore
Her baby born in Bethlehem would reign forever and ever more
Mary knew God had a plan, she trusted God, she trusted God
Mary saw the empty tomb, the stone was gone, where was her son?
Her friends had seen the risen Christ, could this be true? What has God done?
Mary knew her son now lived, she suffered grief, now she knew joy
The resurrection had been foretold, Christ's good news will go round the world
We will listen for God's voice, when we obey he will rejoice
At first we may not understand, God's will may not be what we planned
We'll embrace his will for us, we'll trust in God, we'll trust in God
As Mary we will trust in God