I saw some guy down the street who was shot in the back of the head
Cause he owed money to someone and they decided to kill him
Did you see that on the news that a school got shot up again by some idiot with a gun
Cause he thought he was the shit hey!
I saw some girl down the road getting robbed of her brand new car
So she took out a mini pistol and shot him in the back of the skull
And he went bleeding everywhere cause he was shot in the skull
Turns out that was her uncle and she just killed him she's arrested
Do we really need this shit? In our homes to protect us? I don't think we do
Did you hear about the festival that was shot up which time?
And what about the school that got shot up but there's a million of them
What about the time where the country decided to get rid of guns, that never happened?
Why hasn't it happen?