Me and the boys are watching state of origin tonight
We say, screw the maroons, the blues are gonna win tonight
Chuck us a vb, there's no more down beside the couch
All that I've got, is, 2 bucks in my bumbag pouch, I can't afford another vb
Even though I live on the dole I now believe I can make some money
Honestly I'm disappointed with the fact I can't afford another vb
Mate do you think you can chuck us a dart my Gatorade bottle isn't working
I probably would not have asked but I JUST NEED MONEY FOR MY GOD DAMN VB
So me and the boys hopped back into the commodore
We started the engine and gave it a good roar
We headed down the road, it was a quarter past 6
My KFC interview went well, my life is fixed
Even though I live on the dole I still believe I can make some money
Thanks to the boys at KFC I now can afford another vb
Mate, thanks for chucking us a dart but now my Gatorade bottle seems to be working
I'm just joking it was working all along but I just needed money for my god damn vb
I got a call from Centrelink yesterday
They said "you got a job? Oh well, here's ya pay"
I didn't think my kfc payslips were enough
Thank god those taxpayers help fill my gut
My buddy called me while on the train to help me learn how to beat the system
He told me "change your address every two weeks Centrelink won't even bother to check it"
I think if I keep my job at kfc I'll be able to buy a lot more vb
Maybe with all that spare cash I could buy some nautica or stussy.
God Damn VB
God Damn VB
God Damn VB
Even though I live on the dole I still believe I can make some money
Thanks to the boys at KFC I now can afford another vb
Mate, thanks for chucking us a dart but now my Gatorade bottle seems to be working
I'm just joking it was working all along but I just needed money for my god damn vb