To my wonderful darling grandson, Kaleif Gaines
I just want to say that I love you so much
And I just love from where you are and where you're going to
I just want you to always, everywhere you go, to remember
That you are a kingdom kid, you are God's kid
I see you in the future as being a wonderful man of God
To always remember to pulling somebody up, to helping somebody along the way
And I pray that as I cover you, you'll never forget where you came from
No matter how high up you get, no matter where you placed on a plateau in the natural realm
That you are that same in the spiritual realm
And you will never get too haunty or too high or too mighty
That you don't remember from where you came from
And I just lift you up today and say
Yea though you walk through the valley of the shallow of death, you are not alone
There's always God there on your side
There's always God above you
God's angels camped around you
You don't have to fear no one
You don't have to fear anything
Just keep pushing and keep walking to who and what God wants you to be
In Jesus name I pray. Amen