Oh but you are a dream
You are a dream
A dream that seems to linger
And stream through my fingers
I can't quite let you go
But the harder
I try to hold you tighter
The more you try to slide
And slip away
I just want you to stay
I want hold you closer
And know you like I'm supposed to
In every single way
Maybe I expected to much
I expected your love
And for you to give it to me and such
But surely I was expected to feel this way
From all the things you'd say
I just want you to stay
I want hold you closer
And know you like I'm supposed to
In every single way
Maybe dreams aren't always meant to be true
Because we have nightmares too
And then there's me and you
A reality I wasn't willing to accept
I thought you were exceptional
You are a dream
A dream that seems to linger
And stream through my fingers
I cant quite let you go
But the harder
I try to hold you tighter
The more you try to slide
And slip away
I just want you to stay
I want hold you closer
And know you like I'm supposed to
In every single way