Gravitational Waves (Jazz)
Early in the morning of September fourteen
Just as the sun crept over valleys of green
And the fishermen pulled their little boats to the sea
Not predicting what a catch this fine day would bring
The flowers spun their heads to welcome the sun
And the little birds sang the songs they always have sung
But none of their chirps were as distinct as the ones
That the wave detectors picked up that day
Locked in the orbit of two black holes their masses dwarf the sun
Bending light from all the other stars they won't stop till they're done
A billion years of spinning around until they merge to one
Like a crazy tango in the sky
Early in the morning of September fourteen
The world seemed to be the place it always had been
But one little graph that appeared on a screen
And across the USA was simultaneously seen
Was going to change the way we look up into the night
Not only seeing but also hearing the sight
And prove that Einstein again had been right
Nearly one hundred years to that day
Locked in the orbit of two black holes their masses dwarf the sun
Bending light from all the other stars they won't stop till they're done
A billion years of twisting around and speeding as they spun
Like a crazy tango in the sky