When I tell you
That I love you
Can you see it in my eyes?
The way I look at you sometimes
When I read that card I cried
I cried and looked up at the sky
And thought about the reasons why
I love you all the time
I love you when you're shy
When I look at you, and I
I love you when we walk around
And you slip your hand round mine
I love you when you make me laugh
Which happens all the time
I love you when you make my heart
Beat more than 4/4 time
I think about you constantly
I think I Iove you constantly
I love you because I just find
Your patience and your empathy
Your kindness and your honesty
Something very beautiful, honestly
When I tell you
That I love you
Can you see it in my eyes?
The way I look at you sometimes
When I tell you
That I love you
Can you see it in my eyes?
The way I look at you sometimes
When we wiggle brows
And wink and laugh
And lay there
When we tell our stories
We hold each other
And we lay there
When you kiss me I
Can't help but kiss you
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