Bulldozed down the shitter again
Outnumbered and afraid
Unhand me
I feel the grip of death
Around my ass
Flapping, flopping
Snatched by my buttocks
And rattled like a milkshake
Släpp mig för fan
Shoved down the cozmo-potty
As time and space distorts
Whirling down the wormhole
Stretched and squished like gum
Thrashing to and fro
And it's not even fun
Up is down
Down is up
Left is right
Right is wrong
I am space
I am time
I am cozmo-Bert
In time
Squirted out of existence
And squirted in again
Marty McKarlsson
I am become Kôrv
The sneaker of the snouk
At last I am ejected
Upon a distant land
Covered in space poop and mucus
I gracefully descend