Sun is shining bright let's go and play
Water's calling us to swim today
But before we splash and dive away
Let's learn the rules to keep danger at bay
First we need our suits our caps so tight
Safety gear like floaties feeling right
No running by the pool we walk not flight
Listen to the lifeguard shining in the light
Swimming safe is fun for everyone hey
In the water we will splash and sway
With the rules we'll have a perfect day
Swimming safe is fun hooray hooray hooray
Buddy system's cool we swim in pairs
Mom and Dad are watching from their chairs
Never swim alone someone should care
If we follow rules we'll be aware
Swim where water's clear and not too deep
Feel the gentle waves and splash your feet
Practice safety tips before we leap
With every careful step our fun we'll keep
Swimming safe is fun for everyone hey
In the water we will splash and sway
With the rules we'll have a perfect day
Swimming safe is fun hooray hooray hooray
Swimming safe is fun for everyone hey
In the water we will splash and sway
With the rules we'll have a perfect day
Swimming safe is fun hooray hooray hooray