Troublesome times, seem to slow and weigh me down
Run my back into the ground
Struggling to find a footing, groping in the dark
Blinded by a blanket of lies
But I won't trust in those things that I see
But put my faith in God, yes, I will believe
His word I know is working out for me
So I won't fight, but trust in His might
And though I can't see what lies ahead before me
I will trust you completely
Cause I know you are with me Jesus
In all of my days I want to give you glory
Give all the praises to thee
And all the glory for you, Jesus
Times have been hard, economies are tumbling down
And insecurities abound
Our love has grown cold, identity crisis begin to unfold
Foundations that were of old now crumble
But you made a promise to be close to me
And surround me like the mountains from my enemies
As I make my post and delight in thee
My weaknesses only reveal your glory
And though I can't see what lies ahead before me
I will trust you completely
Cause I know you are with me Jesus
In all of my days I want to give you glory
Give all the praises to thee
And all the glory for you, Jesus
Eyes have not seen nor have any ears heard
All of the wonderful things that you planned
Exceeding abundantly
Above all I can think or imagine
Though I can't see what lies ahead before me
I will trust you completely
Cause I know you are with me Jesus
In all of my days I want to give you glory
Give all the praises to thee
And all the glory for you, Jesus
And though I can't see what lies ahead before me
I will trust you completely
Cause I know you are with me Jesus
In all of my days I want to give you glory
Give all the praises to thee
And all the glory for you, Jesus